From: "Joel Dansky or Nancy Felton" <>
To: <>
Subject: letter of support
Date sent: Thu, 29 Aug 2002 19:52:14 -0400

Dear members of Gush Shalom: We have received information regarding recent attacks by the
Israeli government on your organization, which many of us in the U.S. admire greatly. We have
sent the following letter in your support to Attorney General Elyakim Rubinstein and Minister of
Justice Meir Shetreet. Best wishes, Joel Dansky, Middle East Peace Coalition of Western Mass.,
Dear Sir:
The Middle East Peace Coalition of Western Mass. wishes to express its unequivocal support
for the Israeli peace group, Gush Shalom, in its ongoing struggle to achieve a just, lasting, and
equitable solution to the Israeli/Palestinian conflict. We strongly object to the attempted
demonization of Gush Shalom by the Israeli government, labeling them as "traitors, treasonous"
and equating them with "Nazi sympathizers." Further we see this activity as a clear and
concerted effort to silence this important peace group and stifle any form of meaningful
opposition to the repressive and increasingly oppressive policies to the Israeli government.
Many of the principles and goals as expressed by Gush Shalom are similar to our own and we
can do no less than support them in combating what is seen here as nothing less than a
contemptible government-sponsored smear campaign.
Yours in peace, for the Middle East Peace Coalition of Western Mass., Peter Tusinski