From: "Robinson, Svend - M.P." <>
To: "''" <>,
"''" <>
Copies to: "''" <>,
"McDonough, Alexa - M.P." <>,
"''" <>
Subject: Gush Shalom
Date sent: Tue, 27 Aug 2002 16:58:19 -0400


August 27, 2002

I am writing to express my support for the efforts of Gush Shalom to warn
Israeli military officers that their actions in perpetuating the military
occupation of territories seized in 1967 may in some instances comprise war
crimes, for which they could one day be held legally responsible.
Extra-judicial killings, house demolitions, arbitrary detention, prevention
of ambulances, and the bombing of civilian apartments are all examples of
war crimes under international law, and unfortunately, have all occured,
with alarming frequency, in the Israeli-occupied Palestinian territories.

I support the courage of Gush Shalom in speaking out against these
atrocities. Far from being "treasonous," the issuance of such warnings is
in fact the patriotic duty of all citizens in a democracy who wish to
protect the honour of their nation. Any government attempt to silence the
cautionary voice of Gush Shalom or its supporters would therefore be both
undemocratic and dishonourable, and perhaps even illegal.

It is my hope that you will heed the advice of Gush Shalom and put an
immediate end to any activities which could expose Israeli forces to charges
of war crimes. A simple means of facilitating this, while simultaneously
securing peace for Israel, would be to end the illegal occupation of the
Palestinian territories.

Svend Robinson, MP
Burnaby-Douglas, Canada

CEP 232