From: "paque.claire" <>
To: "Gush Shalom (Israeli Peace Bloc)" <>
Subject: war crimes denounciation
Date sent: Fri, 16 Aug 2002 19:37:22 +0200

As a Western European, and a French citizen, I wish to let you know that I fully
support the Gush Shalom in its efforts to.inform the Israeli population and mainly the
Israeli military staff of the fact that they might one day be taken to some court for the
war crimes and international law violations that are committed daily within the
Palestinian Occupied Territories and against the Palestinian population.
Therefore, I am surprised that a country such as Israel, who claims to be "the only one
democracy in the Middle East",.should take any action against a peace movement
such as the Gush Shalom which duly monitors and denounces these war crimes and
international law violations. I should therefore suggest to the Israeli Attorney
start investigating into these war crimes and international law violations without any
further delay and prosecute whoever happens to be involved in these actions.
Ms Claire Paque
Paris - France