ate sent: Thu, 08 Aug 2002 22:09:54 -0500
From: Deb Mitchell <>
Subject: Retraction in order

Gush Shalom was attacked in a libelous editorial Tuesday, August 6 by your
newspaper. This article was full of mistakes- starting with the fact you claim
Gush Shalom had not tried to disclose or share the letters and their information
with others in Israel-- when in fact copies were sent to many offices, including
yours, seeking public attention. It is a deliberate misrepresentation to then
print that Gush Shalom ignored such channels. It was Ha'aretz that ignored
information freely given. A retraction is in order.

As for a vote of no confidence in Israel- show your readers both at home and
abroad where there has been effective action and punishment taken in Israel for
violation of Geneva conventions and previous war crimes or collective
punishments. The evidence is not there. Gush Shalom didn't raise a vote of no
confidence in the Israeli judicial system, your own government has done it
repeatedly by it's obvious disregard for International law. Frankly, there is no
evidence that Israel does any more to honor life, enforce war crime laws or
punish violators than Arafat's government.

Gush Shalom and the leftist peace activists seem to be the only ones who
actually want to see BOTH sides live up to the SAME standards of human decency
and moral behavior. All human life is sacred. Furthermore, in a truly democratic
society, one may always speak their mind, even if they advocate violence, so
long as they do not harm others. Gush Shalom advocates peace, not violence. The
so-called threat you mention is only an attempt to make those who have openly
bragged about their military actions reconsider them. Reconsider them as the
"black flag of illegality", expressed by your own countrymen, and as violating
standards agreed to the world over. Therefore these peace activists are worthy
of praise, not contempt. Any attempt to shut them down only casts more suspicion
that country without a constitution or bill of rights can call itself a

Indeed your publication seemed to be more interested in toting "the party line"
than the truth. Journalistic standards of integrity have been violated. A
retraction is in order, along with giving Gush Shalom equal space for defense of
their organization to set straight the record of their actions you printed

Deborah Mitchell
Wichita KS USA

Retired Journalist,
Reader of both Ha'aretz and Gush Shalom publications
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